Adorable Sydney’s brain never rests. She has an incredible mind for one so young. She’s clearly a strategic thinker.
Here’s an example: Joe Bill and I were babysitting her and James one Date Night. Syd was missing her Mommy so she went into her parents’ bedroom and came out holding a picture of Mommy and James. I told Syd that she should put the photo under her pillow. I was surprised when Syd immediately shot back: “I CAN’T DO THAT. IT’LL CONFUSE THE TOOTH FAIRY!”
When Mommy and Daddy got home a short time later I told them what Syd had said. Daddy let us know that he recently had been talking to his darling daughter telling her that when she loses her baby teeth that she’ll put them under her pillow and then The Tooth Fairy will leave her money!
Syd wants to make sure that she isn’t shortchanged by The Tooth Fairy when the time comes! Smart girl! See what I mean about strategic thinking!!!
Love, D2