Sydney’s never been a wishy-washy kinda girl. That cute little thing knows exactly what she wants and goes after it. Lately when Syd wants something she’ll announce: “It’s my FAVORITE.” It doesn’t matter if Syd has just seen the item a few seconds before…it’s now her FAVORITE and she MUST POSSESS IT.
Little Lady Liberty, also known as Sydney Marie Stewart, wants to run her life.
The other day when Joe Bill nicely asked her to put on her shoes so that we could take her home she emphatically told him: “You’re not my boss.” I pointed out that JB has never said that he was her boss….to which Syd exclaimed: “You’re not my boss.” I followed up with I’ve never said that I was your boss. Syd then proclaimed: “I’M THE BOSS OF ME!” Finally, THE BOSSY ONE put on her shoes and we headed out the door. I guess that we should all expect Syd to run her own business some day!
It seems that now Syd wants to decide when she’s going to get into her car seat. We had the hardest time the other evening when we were trying to leave our house.
She sat on the console in the front of Joe Bill’s car that separates the driver’s seat from the passenger’s seat. Syd leaned over facing the back seat with her little tush in the air. She looked like a baby ostrich with its head buried in the sand. JB and I wanted to laugh because she looked so funny….but, of course, we couldn’t. Think about how silly it looked as we were negotiating with a 3 year old in that position. When I asked Syd why she was acting this way she told me that she LOVED doing this…perhaps, it was one of her FAVORITE things!
Eventually, she wanted to eat some Puffs. We told her that she couldn’t have any until she got into her car seat. Once she was in her car seat, Puffs in hand, off we went. Baby James didn’t make a peep during the whole episode as he waited on his sister, The Ostrich, to get her cute little head out of the sand!
When something similar happened before Christmas we hinted that Santa might not bring her presents if she didn’t get into her car seat. I have to say that Syd got into her car seat as soon as she heard Santa’s name. It seems a little early to be bringing Old Saint Nick into this matter but we might have to next time! I could even mention Hanukkah. I know that she thinks that getting presents on 8 nights is pretty cool.
Love, D2