Recently when Syd thought that she’d hurt herself she started saying “owie” and asked me for one.
Syd kept chanting the word “Band-Aid” over and over again while I was doing an archeological dig thru my purse. When I handed it to her, she COULDN’T REMEMBER where her tiny injury was! But she certainly felt better putting a Band-Aid SOMEWHERE on her body!
We’ve noticed that Syd has the same attitude as early Explorers: when she sees something she wants she claims it for herself.
Much like Spanish Conquistador Cortés, who conquered Mexico and the Aztecs, Syd spotted a little pink purse at our house and grabbed it. There were some lipsticks hanging off of it…so I clearly didn’t want her to have it.
Well, Sydney Marie Stewart Cortés tried to pull the purse out of my hands yelling: “I HAVE TO HAVE IT! I HAVE TO HAVE IT!” So I asked: “Why do you NEED it?” Syd then yelled: “I NEED IT FOR WORK!” The girl is hilarious. I must say that Syd always has an innovative and important ‘reason’ why she wants something that YOU own!
Frankly, I think that this trait will serve Syd well when she’s older and she’s grabbing items on the sale table at some store!!
Love, D2