Sydney Marie Stewart can be the friendliest girl in town or she can act like movie star icon and recluse Greta Garbo, who famously in the film ‘Grand Hotel’ stated: “I want to be alone.” One day Sydney told me: “I want PRIVACY,” which can change from minute to minute.
A good example: recently Syd said that she needed some privacy. A short time after that she was outside at our pool taking off her swim diaper as JB, Syd and I were getting ready to go in our house. A minute later we saw Josh, who’s our good looking young pool guy. We introduced Syd and Josh from across the pool. In the blink of an eye Syd had her swim diaper off, was standing naked as a jaybird, smiling, waving and yelling: “Hi, Josh!” At least she didn’t yell out: “Drinks, anyone?!” Josh has a 16 month old child and has been cleaning pools for a long time in Austin so my guess is that he’s seen lots of little skinny dippers!
We’ve been having a great time with Syd this Summer. JB took her on an “Adventure” alone when I needed to run an errand. They went to a new Pizza place in Westlake. After they finished having lunch Syd and JB were headed to Starbucks, a spot both of them love. Syd had walked only about 15 STEPS (THIS IS STEPS, MIND YOU, NOT 15 BLOCKS, NOT EVEN 15 FEET) when she told him: “My tummy hurts.” JB knew it was too soon for her to have had any problems from eating her pizza so he asked her: “Why does your stomach hurt?” In her most pitiful voice she said: “It’s because I’m SO TIRED from walking SO FAR.” She added: “I’M LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO CARRY ME!” (This stuff is true. You just can’t make these things up.)
JB just started laughing out loud. He picked up adorable Sydney, hugged her and told her: “You’re a piece of work!” Suddenly her stomach ache was NOT an issue. Instead she started grilling him asking him: “What is a piece of work? Why am I a piece of work?” Am I a piece of work?” JB told me that in between the rapid fire questioning he escaped by telling her: “It’s really a kind of a compliment and that it was time to go get some ice cream!” By the way, if you want to change the subject with Syd or Baby James just say the words: “Ice cream!”
Love, D2