The other day Joe Bill and I went to Sydney and Baby James’ Preschool to pick them up. I’d walked over to get Baby James as JB retrieved Syd. While JB and Syd were sitting in his car in the school parking lot waiting for us, a very attractive Mother got out of her car next to them. JB told Syd that she was a very pretty Mom. Then he hastened to add that she was NOT as pretty as HER Mom. Syd agreed with him. Then JB added: “In fact, I think that no Mom is as pretty as Skyler!” Syd enthusiastically told him: “I haven’t seen one!!!” In the Latest Photo section I put in pictures of the kids that illustrate what I’ve written.
Sydney and Baby James have girl cousins who are identical twins. One day when we were at Preschool JB was looking at the new student directory. He noticed that two boys in Syd’s class have the same last name and the same birthday…so JB asked Syd if they were twins. Syd told him: “No, because they don’t have the same faces!!” Syd is only familiar with identical twins…NOT fraternal ones!
Last Tuesday was Rosh Hashanah, the beginning of the Jewish New Year. When Syd was at our house we gave her some apples with honey on them, which symbolize a sweet New Year.
Syd always asks us great questions. She wanted to know when the Holiday would start and how long would it last. I think that she was interested in how long it would continue because she knows that Hanukkah lasts for 8 days.
I told her that Jewish Holidays begin at sundown. That’s because in olden times no one had watches or digital clocks. Everyone knew when it was sundown. I let her know that The High Holidays, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, last for 10 days. I added in some extra information for her. I told her that the Jewish Calendar is based on the Moon while the calendar we all use is based on the Sun. That’s why Jewish Holidays fall at different times each year. You’ve probably heard someone say: “The Holidays are early this year…or the Holidays are late this year.” It’s because we’re on a Lunar Calendar.
By the way, you’ll see some pictures of Syd and Baby James, who’s wearing pink princess high heels with feathers on them. Perhaps, she’s trying to make him into her Kid SISTER instead of him being her Kid Brother! I’ve seen her put lipstick on him, paint his toenails pink, she’s put a pink tiara on him and now she’s encouraging him to wear pink heels. In one picture she’s grabbing him by the neck so that he won’t fall on his face while wearing those silly shoes!! Good Save, Sydney! Good Try, Baby James!
I’m sure there are times when Baby James thinks that Syd’s full of hot air! Be sure to see the pictures where they’re playing with the red balloon. Also, you’ll see some photos which show how much fun they have together and that they really really love each other.
JB and I hope that you have a Happy & Healthy New Year!
Love, D2