Here it is February and Sydney is already getting her Barbie Dolls ready for Spring Break, which hits the UT campus March 14-19th. The reason I know this is because I stumbled across the fact that she’s making sure that her Barbies look their best by arranging for them to get a tan BEFORE Spring Break. How does Syd know the rules for getting ready for Spring Break?…I’m aware of the fact that she lives in a college town, but for goodness sakes, the girl just turned 3 years old!
No, we don’t have a Barbie Tanning Bed and I don’t plan to get one, even if one existed…which I hope one doesn’t.
I noticed when I walked around our house to turn off the lights, as JB was putting Syd in her car seat, that she had left one naked Barbie lounging, like she was sunbathing, on the top of her glitzy purple Barbie Bus. It wasn’t Christmas Tree Naked Barbie nor was it Hippie Hollow Barbie because I’d already seen them when I was straightening up.
Low and behold there was a third Barbie with no clothes on!
After looking around a little, I found the fancy gown that Syd had taken off that doll and tossed aside. I guess that I’ll have to have another talk with her letting her know that we don’t want to have a Nudist Camp at Barbieville. I know that there are bumper stickers that read: “Keep Austin Weird” but a Barbie Nudist Colony in our living room is TOO WEIRD for us!
We certainly hope that Syd’s interest in naked toys doesn’t manifest itself at her school. However, recently I saw a Tee shirt that read: “What Happens in Pre School, Stays in Pre School!” I guess we’ll never know if there’s an invasion of Hippie Hollow Barbies at her school!
I thought that I’d give an update on Little Fashionista & Child Style Icon Sydney Marie Stewart’s quest for “Twirling Dresses.”
I went to Target and TJMaxx the other day and bought a slew of cute dresses knowing that I could easily return them, if necessary. I was hoping that Syd would consider them to be “Twirling Dresses” and this would eliminate a lot of the nighttime drama of what Syd wears to bed. I thought she’d think that at least a few would be suitable. Also, I figured that it was, in essence, easier for me to bring the store to Sydney than to take her to the store. I felt the trendy little dresses would be perfect for school and would be comfy enough if she decided that she was going to sleep in them. Honestly, the clothes were adorable but as fast as I’d hold the outfit up, Syd would turn thumbs down on it. Much to my relief and surprise, finally, Syd did find two dresses that she liked. They really are “Twirling Dresses” and are fancy enough for the Easter Parade. Luckily, for Skyler they don’t require dry cleaning!
I didn’t realize until tonight when we were talking to Skyler that she too had bought a bunch of cute dresses for Syd at Target, hoping her little girl would consider them “Twirling Dresses.” She struck out like us. No wonder Syd turned her nose up at the dresses I showed her as quickly as she did. She was probably thinking that I was making another run at the outfits her Mom had recently showed her!
SHOWTIME: Getting ready for bed on ‘Date Night’ Syd changed her clothes a couple of times before getting into her bed.
Let’s see… she put on a DARLING PINK RAIN JACKET WITH A HOOD that would be fine in a thunderstorm but certainly would be terribly uncomfortable to sleep in. I asked her to show Joe Bill her “Dancing in the Rain” outfit! Luckily, she stayed in that only a matter of minutes. Next, she did put on a pair of ‘Big Pajamas’ but that was just a tease because she also quickly changed out of them. She finally decided to sleep in a long Tee shirt with a multi colored Peace Sign on it that JB and I had given her during the Fall that she wore to her Pre School Halloween Party. Remember, that’s when she went as Sydney Marie Stewart for Halloween. When JB sat on it by accident Syd told him to get off of her “gown.” I don’t think anyone else on Earth would have called that Tee shirt a “gown” but if that makes our Little Fashionista & Child Style Icon Sydney Marie Stewart happy, that’s fine with us!
By the way, it doesn’t bother me to return the clothes. I’ve taken back so many things over my lifetime that I’m a pro…I’ve returned a wig cut for my head and a car…so taking clothes back to Target and TJMaxx is simple!
Love, D2
P.S. Here are some tips about returns: Always tell the salesperson that a MAN in your life wanted you to return the item. You can say it’s your husband, your fiancé or your boyfriend…even if you don’t have any of those people in your life. Store clerks rarely care what women think but if you say a MAN wanted you to take something back they’ll jump thru hoops to make sure it happens. And if you use the words: “My husband is going to kill me” they’ll take that thing back so fast it’ll make your head spin!