Sydney has CREATIVE WAYS of trying to get what she wants…and one day she wanted another mycee (her word for a pacifier.) I feel like I’ve bought a jillion of those little suckers but our supply was rapidly dwindling. Syd would take them home and hide them around her house, in her closet, in her diaper drawer…well, you get the picture. We’d tried to get Syd to leave some at our house so that we’d have a couple on hand when she asked for one.
When Syd wanted one recently she told me in the sincerest way: “My Mommy’s put a MYCEE SHELF ON THE WALL in my bedroom and I NEED a NEW MYCEE for it!” The truth is Skyler had put that shelf up a long time ago and it ISN’T MEANT FOR MYCEES! Good try, Syd. But we know that the shelf has been up for ages!
By the way, Mommy and Daddy have come up with New Rules about the mycee. It’s okay for Syd to still have a mycee at night when she goes to bed but when it comes to daytime mycee use it’s allowed ONLY if she takes a nap, in a dark room, with no television on. It was hard for Syd in the beginning but she’s going ‘cold turkey’ with no mycee at our house! Good job, Syd. No doubt, the pacifier people are going to lose a fortune now that Syd’s not using them as often!
Love, D2