There’s something different about Syd these days. Take a good look. She’s gotten her braces off. You can see her dazzling smile! Luckily, all 4 of our godchildren have plenty to smile about.
I’ve always referred to Syd and James as little Polar Bear Cubs. They love swimming in Deep Eddy, where the temperature varies from 65 to 75 degrees. Built in 1915, it's the oldest swimming pool in Texas and it’s open during daylight hours all year. The pool is fed with clear, cold water from a hand dug well and is not chlorinated.
Syd, James and their friend Arden asked us to take them to Deep Eddy the other night. The Kids are always enticing JB into swimming with them by telling him: “The water’s fine. It’s not cold!” You’ll love hearing The Kids laughing as JB jumped into the freezing water!!!
The other night when we were babysitting Jack and Baby Ben the Boys had fun playing with cards. Jack has no idea that his little Brother is photobombing his picture! Benny loves being photographed with Jack and their parents Gigi and Joel. I don’t even have to bribe him!
Baby Ben can only walk a little bit by himself but he can really rev it up when he’s pushing Jack in their little red cart. The Boys have a good time together.
Talking about having a good time…Skyler had a great time with Jasmine Haley. She’s an adorable little girl and a fun playmate!
I’ve included a picture of the Stewarts when they were on vacation in Crested Butte. They had a wonderful time. They also had fun with Skyler’s Mom Lynne when she was recently in Austin. The Kids love being with their BeBe!
Talk about having a great time….JB and I had lots of fun at UT’s Rec Sports Centennial Celebration held at Gregory Gym. Joe Bill was Inducted into the Rec Sports Hall of Honor. I’ve included the presentation. We’re all proud of him. He was given special recognition because his picture was on the Wall of Fame 13 times. JB was All Intramural several times as well as he played on numerous Championship Teams with The Delts. He’s the Chairman of the Leadership Team for Rec Sports. You’ll have to go to see the fabulous Charles Alan Wright Fields at the Whitaker Rec Sports Complex.
I’ve posted a picture from the party that includes Andy Parker, Gigi and Joel plus Lindsey and Will Majors. Vivien and Scott Caven, Lindsey’s parents and Will’s In-Laws, were also Inducted into the Hall of Honor!
Well, my last 3 pictures are ones that I took the other night of Party Boy Baby Ben, who didn’t want to go to sleep. He was crying so much when we put him to bed that I was beginning to think that he was sick. We finally took him downstairs. The little guy wasn’t sick at all. He just wanted to party with us. He immediately went to his parent’s liquor cabinet and turned on the music so loud that the neighbors probably could have heard it. Well, I always say: “Party Animals have Party Animals for children!”
JB and I hope that you have lots of reasons to celebrate too!
Love, D2