When it’s bedtime Sydney suddenly gets energized. She looks for anything that will delay her getting into bed. For example, the other night she told me that she HAD to count to 100, which is one of her favorite things to do. So, of course, she HAD to pull out the ABACUS she had tucked away in her closet! But before she started counting she HAD to put on a cute little knitted Winter cap. It’s been hot here this Spring but that didn’t faze Syd when it came to picking out her cold weather head gear. Syd also uses her baby dolls as a way to stall for time. She tries to convince me that the dolls NEED Mothering and she’s the one to do it! Syd is a doll so playing with dolls comes naturally for her! (You’ll see pictures of this in the Latest Photo section.) I wanted to get you caught up to date on how I’ve stopped James, who’s a beginner in potty training, from peeing on the furniture and floors here. Perhaps you’ll remember that Syd suggested that we put towels down all over the house. I thought that it would be better to “reward” BOTH Syd and James with a surprise if he only peed in our potty. My sister Rita calls it bribery…Joe Bill and I call it ‘The Incentive Plan.’ With Syd’s helpful reminders James peed in the potty every time! Both kids loved getting a little art project as their reward. A few days later we needed to babysit James an afternoon for just a couple of hours.James must have thought that he was going to get another surprise if he only peed in the potty, because he announced SIX times that he was going to the potty! I’ve included pics of Syd putting some panties on her head. Like I said, the girl enjoys having on headgear and, apparently, it doesn’t matter to her what it is! James is the same way. He thought that it was funny to put one of Syd’s tiara’s on his head! I’ve included a VIDEO of James’ swimming lesson. Of course, Skyler looks like she could be on the cover of “Sports Illustrated.” They really had fun with swim coach Gwen as James, a budding little Michael Phelps, swam across the pool, went diving for rings and floated on his back. Good job, James! Love, D2