Sydney loves the fact that our house is decorated for the holidays…we have decorations for both Christmas and Hanukkah. I must admit that I couldn’t pass up buying a Pepto-Bismol bright pink Christmas tree that I saw. It would have been expensive at a Vintage Shop but it was cheap because I found it at a thrift store. It’s one of those things that’s so ugly that it’s cute.
Most importantly, PINK is Sydney’s favorite color and if you’ve talked to her for more than 2 minutes I’m sure you’d know that fact and that she’d know what YOUR favorite color is…and she’d remember your favorite color and tell you the next time she’d see you. She’s a detail person.
I brought the pink tree home, put white lights on it and set it up in “Barbieville,” of course. When Sydney saw it she literally jumped for joy…in that extremely cute exuberant way she has. She said she loved it and proclaimed that it was HER tree. Honestly, all of our decorations are now Sydney’s, from what we can tell.
The next thing I knew NAKED BARBIE was on the tree. You remember, “Hippie Hollow Barbie”…that’s the one. I haven’t seen her for days and then all of a sudden she’s on Sydney’s PERSONAL Christmas tree and the doll is in her birthday suit. I guess “Hippie Hollow Barbie” is the perfect example of that saying: “Good girls go to Heaven. Bad girls go everywhere!!!”
Baby James was over that day and he didn’t seem to mind the fact that Naked Barbie was on Syd’s tree. Honestly, I wasn’t trying to start a new Stewart family tradition of having naked things as part of the Christmas celebration. But I guess, some of you will remember the Daily pic last Christmas of Baby James, who’d fallen out of a nativity scene and was on the ground looking up at a lighted plastic version of Mary and Joseph. I don’t think that’s going to happen again this year because Skyler and Jimmy aren’t going back to Phoenix, where they found that manger. So there have been some unusual things that have happened with Christmas decorations when the Stewarts are around!
By the way, I want you to know that we had fun celebrating Hanukkah with Sydney and Baby James earlier this month. Things were somewhat different than last year when Syd yelled: “Fire!” every time I struck a match to light the candles on our Menorah. I have to say it was like having Hanukkah with Smokey the Bear!
I have an electric Menorah that belonged to my Grandmother. We always light real candles and then turn on Nana’s Menorah. Baby James’ face lit up with that look of wonderment and delight that only little children have when they see something for the first time. That’s how Syd looked last year. But this time when the Menorah lights came on, Syd held up her arms in jubilation like the referees do at a football game when someone scores a touchdown. She has a wonderful cheerleader quality. What a great way to go thru life!
It’s a joy to be with Sydney Marie Stewart and her kid brother. They make every day seem like a Holiday!
Love, D2