The weather was perfect for Mother’s Day at Abel’s On The Lake. Joe Bill and I had a great time with Gigi, Joel and Jack.
We’ve been babysitting Jack a lot lately and always have fun with him. He continues to be perfect. He loves healthy food, doesn’t whine, tells us when we need to change his diaper, he let’s us know when he wants to brush his teeth, he’ll pick out the books he wants us to read to him and he’ll go to bed on time. Also, he loves to snuggle.
Jack doesn’t even have melt downs. He’s charming when he wants something. I need to add that while he’s charming, he’ll ask us the same thing over and over again until we do what he wants. Even if we say yes that we’ll do it, Jack continues to pursue the request until it actually get’s done. Let me make this clear, I’ll take charming persistence over melt downs any day!!!
In the past I’ve written about Sydney and James’ wonderful Mommy Skyler. I figured that Mother’s Day was the perfect time to include a picture of her.
Joe Bill and I hope that everyone had a Happy Mother’s Day this year!
Love, D2