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‘James Is Given Special Sports Honors Plus Stories About Sydney, Baby Sam, Jack & Benny!’

Writer's picture: DeDe WatkinsDeDe Watkins

This has been an especially fun Spring for James. He was excited that he was just recognized as the Best Offensive Player on his Baseball Team. Be sure to look at Skyler’s VIDEO.

Also, James was given the “Weekley Sportsmanship” Award because he’s the Best Receiver on his Football Team according to the Moms! He scored a Touchdown and got a First Down. James is a good athlete and has been doing great on his Football and Baseball Teams! Good job, James!

Sydney celebrated her Birthday a few days ago. She turned 10 in February but she’s had such a busy schedule that she wasn’t able to have a Slumber Party with her girlfriends until now.

Baby Sam had a great time. He loved having everyone hold him and kiss him including his Grandparents TaTa (Lan) and Dell (Adele) who were in from Houston. Dell gave James a big hug too and even got him to laugh! Syd’s other Grandmothers BeBe (Lynne) and Ama (Mary Ann) came to Austin on Syd’s real Birthday to have dinner with her.

Daddy Jimmy, who’s a wonderful cook, made delicious food for all of us. Syd’s girlfriends, Arden, Sophia and Summer, had fun spending the night.

Syd’s been a busy girl with her dancing, gymnastics and tumbling lessons! I’ve included VIDEOS from the Dress Rehearsal (in 4 Parts) for her Dance Recital that was held in the Concert Hall at Westlake High School. She performed to the song ‘Hard Knock Life’ from the Broadway hit musical “Annie.” Syd’s dancing teacher told me that she’s a great dancer, singer and actress! Her teacher put Syd in the spotlight by making sure that she could show off her talents as a gymnast.

Syd had her hair styled and cute cat pajama costume on for the Dress Rehearsal. Mommy Skyler did a great job giving her dramatic stage makeup for the actual Recital. She looked so grown up! Wait until you see the two pictures I’ve included of Syd on the couch after she got home.

We’ve had lots of fun with Jack and Benny too.

Jack has always wanted to be called Jack, but it’s so cute when his little Brother calls him Jackie Boy!

Both boys are ‘Chick Magnets’ but they handle things differently. Jack has been going to Spanish immersion classes since he was little. When he leaves class his teachers always say: “Mi amor!” meaning “My love!” When I’ve picked up Jack from school, he looks down and is hoping to avoid being hugged. He’s much like a Rock Star who’s trying to move through a crowd of fans!

Party Boy Benny is the opposite. He loves being hugged and he loves hugging people! I’ve included some cute pics of the Melrose Brothers and their Parents Mommy Gigi and Daddy Joel.

Joe Bill and I hope that you have a Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

​Love, D2


Lovingly Created by DeDe Watkins

Powered by with the help of Goldilocks Organizing LLC 

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