I’ve often given you examples showing how Sydney and James are incredibly smart children. Here’s another one. To kick off the Memorial Day Weekend, Joe Bill and I had an early dinner with Skyler, Sydney and James at Abel’s On The Lake, which remains our favorite restaurant. Syd took one look at The Kid’s Menu and then immediately told us there was a mistake. She announced: “They’ve left off the word ON.” Syd’s only 5 years old and is just beginning to read. The little smarty pants was right….the menu wasn’t: ‘Abel’s On The Lake’…it just read: ‘Abel’s The Lake!’ Good job, Sydney! James, who isn’t even 4 yet, likes to show off his spelling skills too. Whenever we pass a Jack In The Box, he’ll spell out the word Jack and tell us it’s the same as Baby Jack’s name. Good job, James! Much to our delight, Gigi dropped off 14 month old Baby Jack again so that he could play with Syd and James while she went to her yoga class. The Kids get along great. Syd and James love reading to him and teaching him how some of the toys at our house work. They’re very patient with Baby Jack. Syd and James are used to being with younger children because their Montessori classes include kids of different ages. My favorite picture of Sydney and Baby Jack in this post is the one where she’s dressed him up in James’ very soft blue Spa Robe. Baby Jack reminds me of one of the scenes from the mega hit movie E.T. By the way, I’ve included some wonderful pictures that Mommy Skyler posted on her daily pics. Athletic Syd will be starting gymnastics camp soon. I told Skyler that I thought that all of the people there would know Syd’s name BEFORE lunch! Love, D2