Syd continues her role as a great Big Sister to James and Baby Sam and a great ‘Surrogate’ Big Sister to Jack and Benny. She’s a wonderful playmate, teacher and comforter for all 4 Boys.
10 year old Syd loves helping The Boys improve their vocabularies as well as their writing and spelling skills. She always encourages them in a positive manner. Sometimes The Kids are focusing so much that it looks like they’re taking an SAT Exam!
There was a special Ceremony for Syd at her School: Syd has officially gone from the 3rd Grade to the 4th Grade. James and her other classmates crowded around her cheering as she moved a symbol on the wall to a higher spot. I’ve included a short Video of the cute Ceremony.
I also have an adorable Video of Jack and Benny repeating the words: ‘Ooh La La.’ Syd used to say the same thing when she was younger!
Each of The Kids is sweet to their Siblings. They have very close bonds with each other.
Jack, who’s 6, wanted to make sure that his 2 year old little Brother Benny would win the Be Quiet Game that we often play in the car. Generally, Benny is the 1st counted out because he talks 1st. We’re sure that Benny doesn’t really understand the rules of the game. When Joe Bill and I were driving The Boys home Benny was just about asleep in his comfy new car seat, when Jack announced that this would be a great time for Benny to win the Be Quiet Game because he was TOO SLEEPY TO TALK! We all cheered when Benny won. That was a perfect example of how Jack looks out for his younger Brother. Sydney and James do similar things to help each other too!
I’ve included pictures of Gigi, Joel, Skyler and Jimmy with their adorable Kids.
Also, I’ve posted a picture of Joe Bill and me at the UT Rec Sports Hall of Honor Ceremony the other night. Last year JB was inducted into the 1st class of Honorees. Dr. Ken (Hoot) Ford from Houston and Bennett Glazer from Dallas were honored this year. They’ve been friends since the time they were teenagers at UT. Meanwhile, JB continues to raise money for Rec Sports. While he Graduated in Plan 2 and UT Law, he always says he majored in Intramural Sports!
Happy Spring,
Love, D2