Joe Bill and I brought Jack and Benny home from school the other day a little before Mommy Gigi and Daddy Joel got home. We were there for a very casual Birthday Dinner for Gigi.
Jack, 7, told us that he was going to take little Brother Benny, 3, to the bathroom and they’d get some washable Tattoos out of the bedroom. When The Boys hadn’t come back to the living room I went to check on them in the bedroom. They were on the floor behind the bed.
The first thing that I noticed was some CANDY! Benny was smiling as he sat there eating it. He assured me that it was fine with Mommy that he was having CANDY, before dinner, no less. However, Jack was trying to change the subject. He started telling me about the Tattoos!
A little later after dinner, Gigi was talking about how THEY’D GOTTEN ALL OF THE SWEETS OUT OF THEIR HOUSE.
That’s when I said: “That really hasn’t happened yet!”
I told Gigi that The Boys had hidden some CANDY under the downstairs bed.
Gigi went looking for it and found 2 BIG BAGS OF HALLOWEEN CANDY that they’ve had since OCTOBER!!!
With a big smile on his face, Benny confessed that he likes eating that CANDY while Jack was sticking to his story that he was interested in the Tattoos!
Perhaps, today is a good day to check under all of your beds!
I’ve included pictures of Sydney, 11, playing at our house with Jack and Benny. They have the sweetest relationship. Jack wants to be with Syd even during her ‘alone time.’ The other day he asked me if he could just sit near Syd and watch her. I told him that he needed to ask Syd if it was okay with her. She told him it was. Syd is Beyonce to The Boys!
When Syd told Jack and Benny that she was going to spend the night here with them, The Boys clapped and cheered!
Before Jack headed home he wrote Syd the sweetest note and decorated it. She was touched by his thoughtfulness.
I’ve included some pictures I shot in the Stewart’s kitchen. Daddy Jimmy, who’s a great cook, was giving The Kids some tips.
James was preparing the sweet basil spice that they bought at Central Market.
Also, there’s a cute pic of Mommy Skyler and Baby Sammy outside together.
Recently, I’ve posted some of the Stewart’s photos that they took during their wonderful Spring Break trip to Costa Rica.
Today I’m including Spring Break pics of Gigi, Joel, Jack and Benny in beautiful Beaver Creek, Colorado near Vale. I think that it’ll be clear why they like going there to ski.
Meanwhile, when it comes to Magical places, JB and Jack had fun reading “The Wizard of Oz.”
We hope that you have Magical Experiences this Spring too!
(1) VIDEO Benny Jumps In Pool & Swims To Syd
(2) VIDEO Jack Shows Off His Swimming Skills
Love, D2